Executive Coaching
For coaches and/or administration
Self-Awareness and Self Care/Mental Health
Team Culture- forms and informs identity
- Stereotypes, Bias, and Empathy-welcoming, understanding, and valuing others -
Conflict Resolution Skills
Diversity, Inclusion and Equity - Living these out as shared values and practices ... more than just words: how to have the hard conversations
Suicide Awareness Training and Prevention
Communication Skills
Building. Maintaining and Restoring A CULTURE of Trust
Value driven teams - Living and Leading your WHY
Executive Coaching- Individuals - 1:1 monthly executive coaching.
- Work monthly with an executive coach
- Focus energy on what matters most - sharpen your leadership skills
- Activate your team with common vision, values, goals, and purpose
- Expand leadership capacity
Cultivating Next Level Culture
For administration, teams and coaching staffs
Assessment of current culture-where are we?
Development of desired culture-where do we want to go?
Creation of next level plans-how do we get there?
Team Building/Training
For athletic teams/individual athletes
Self-Awareness through the Enneagram
Self-Care: recognizing and managing stress
Cultural and ethnic differences ... knowing and understanding each other
Communication skills ... listening, word choices, building trust
Bias and Empathy ... understanding others, owning blind spots
Diversity, Inclusion and Equity - Living these out as shared values and practices ... more than just words: how to have the hard conversations
Growing as captains-how to lead, styles and effectiveness
Coaching Women Sports
Challenges and opportunities unique to coaching women
Challenges and opportunities as men coaching women/women coaching women
Scenarios and role play discussions of hot topics
Assistant Coaching Sessions
Who does your head coach need you to be -- how to learn and grow and serve.
How to navigate trust-keeping athlete and head coach trust intact and growing.
Navigating next steps-growing and serving where you are while looking to move forward.
Q & A opportunities with seasoned assistant coaches from the WEST Project board and associates
Head Coaching Sessions
Leading your vision without micromanaging.
How to delegate more effectively.
Building trust with athletic administration.
Scenarios and discussions around challenging topics.
Q & A opportunities with seasoned assistant coaches from the WEST Project board and associates.
Administration Sessions
360 Executive Assessments-departmental surveys to assess trust levels, potential blindspots, current culture